What the Newheisers Would tell the Wife of the Texas Church Shooter – By Rebecca Davis

This is an excellent article by Rebecca Davis, exposing the horrible counseling that is being taught to seminary students and Christians at large by Jim and Caroline Newheiser. This is a must read post and largely explains the unbiblical, false mentality that is behind churches telling domestic abuse victims that they must not only remain with their abuser but they must look for much of the cause of the abuse as being due to their OWN sin!!! Sickening. Thank you Rebecca.

At the heart of the “biblical counseling” theology is the foundational false insistence that all of our problems are due at least in part to our own sin. All of our problems and sufferings. All! This is the reason why I have long rejected the “nouthetic” counseling school. It has done and continues to do incredible damage to people. This article gives a perfect and common example of what I mean.  Just click on the link to read it:

Should the Texas Shooter’s Wife Have Gotten Biblical ‘Counseling’