An Absolutely Accurate Description of the State of today’s Church

Our friend Dale Ingraham gave the following assessment of the state of the visible church today. He is saying exactly what I have been preaching increasingly this last year.

I believe the church today is much like Israel in Jesus’ day. The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes were the religious leaders. They were the educated elites and yet they didn’t know God. They were selfish, greedy and corrupt. There were only two Pharisees at the time, that we know of, who followed Jesus. [Today] Sex offenders are allowed to freely operate within the confines of most churches and few are trying to hold them accountable. Until the people in the pews throw out the wolves in sheep’s clothing, nothing will change before Christ’s return.

And I would add to that “domestic abuse offenders” as well. Thanks Dale.