Light for Dark Times

But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.

~ Hebrews 5:14

No Other Foundation

Christ and Him crucified is the foundation of the church and we must be very, very careful to build upon that foundation and no other. It is sadly possible for a Christian to work very diligently, perhaps even effecting huge "results," when at the Day of the Lord it all goes up in smoke.

Are We in the Last Days?

Many people are wondering today if we are in the last days? The Bible says that we are - that this era between the resurrection of Christ and the Return of Christ is the Last Days. But there are also signs that indicate Christ's return in approaching closer.

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For You

Be Sure to Watch this Great Youtube Post by Dr. C over at Surviving Narcissism

For You

Bible open to 1 John

Is my abuser a Christian?

Weekly Bible Studies

Part 108 – Gospel of John Study, The Cross

The cross is the central essence of the gospel.

Part 58 – Revelation Study, Rev 11:1-2

We continue to look at the temple which John is told to measure - it is the Church. The measuring is symbolic of God's protection of our faith throughout the church age. The outer court represents nominal Christians who are not part of the true Israel, the church.

Unholy Charade

Unholy Charade

Pastor and author Jeff Crippen presents Christ’s body with a work steeped in Scripture that lays before us a map of the abusive mind, the tactics of abuse, the effects abuse has on its victims, and the tragic way our churches have failed the victims of this sin. He issues a clarion call for those who love Christ to answer the call to love the oppressed and speak for the victims, as Proverbs 31:9 says: “Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

More of our books

Wise as Serpents by Jeff Crippen

Wise as Serpents

Growing Wise to the Evil Among Us

A Cry for Justice by Jeff Crippen

A Cry for Justice

How the Evil of Domestic Abuse Hides in Your Church

Light for Dark Times by Jeff Crippen

Light for Dark Times

An Arsenal of Truth to Expose Domestic Abuse

In My Father's House by Jeff Crippen

In My Father's House

God’s Redemptive Plan from Genesis to Revelation

Who is a Christian? by Jeff Crippen

Who is a Christian?