A Closer Look at the Little Horn – Daniel 8

In this vision, Daniel is shown a more detailed view of the Little Horn, the Antichrist, who was introduced in chapter 7. It is vital for us to once again see that God is sovereign over the nations. The man of sin will arise and conquer, but his time is short, as decreed by the Lord.

The Sovereignty of God Over the Nations

In Daniel's vision, we once again see this great theme of God's sovereignty over the nations and over all of history. We also look at Scriptures which elaborate on the identity of the "little horn."

The Lord Shut the Lions’ Mouths

We must not be duped into trusting in man. It is the Lord who shut the lions' mouths for Daniel and it is the Lord who gives His people victory.

God is God in Babylon AND Jerusalem

Lawfare is nothing new. In this account of wicked men trying to destroy God's servant, we see that the living and true God is not territorial. He is God over all, whether His people be in Babylon or in Jerusalem. He is King of kings and sovereign over all nations.

What Does Christ’s Church Look Like? – The Church as Remnant

Most professing Christians today do not know what the true Church looks like. Like the Jews of Jesus' day, they assume the Church is a visible, magnificent entity with hordes of people. It is not. Christ's real people are an afflicted and poor people - a mere remnant.

The Church – A Remnant

Most professing Christians today do not know what the true Church looks like. Like the Jews of Jesus' day, they assume the Church is a visible, magnificent entity with hordes of people. It is not. Christ's real people are an afflicted and poor people - a mere remnant.

The Handwriting on the Wall

The wicked king Belshazzar has his reign and kingdom taken from him for his arrogant mocking of God

A Son Who is King

What does Isaiah mean when he tells us that the government will be upon Christ's shoulders? The answer is a very encouraging truth to all of Christ's people.

He is Able to Humble Those who Walk in Pride

The Lord humbled King Nebuchadnezzar after warning him through Daniel's interpretation of the King's dream.

Glory in Tribulation – Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The truth of Romans 5:5 is incredibly important for us to get a firm hold on. The truth of Romans 5:5 will change your life.