Prayer Requests

In keeping with including our readers as part of Christ Reformation Church and Light for Dark Times ministry, we want to also provide you with a way to submit prayer requests that we can pray for. One way to do this is to put your request in a comment here on this page so that others in our blog family can see them and pray for them. Or you may send them to Pastor Crippen by email at Be careful to protect your identity when necessary.

9 thoughts on “Prayer Requests

    1. Received Marlene. This is a subject I have not thought a lot about. But in some ways I suppose it is a bit similar to what I have experienced as a pastor when we put a wicked abusive man out of the church and then he just goes down the road to another church and that church receives him in no questions asked. You can try to call the new target, but they almost never want to believe you.

  1. I have followed A Cry for Justice and am now following Unholy Charade. in fact, a bit of my story is in that book. I have been married 38 years and am now living in my church as I have separated from my husband. He has been physically abusive (abusive in every way), but in the past few years, I have been able to recognize signs of escalation, and I get out. My church, as it is now, is supportive. They have called the police on him twice when he shows up to create a disturbance.

    I am struggling with throwing away 38 years of marriage. I just want to do the right thing, and it can be very lonely to be here without my home. Please pray for me that I do the right thing. Abuse used to be a daily, hourly fact of my life, but since I have exposed the abuse, and call him on it at every turn, it hasn’t been nearly as prevalent, but it still comes out, sometimes very covertly.

    1. Dear Debra- you are a very courageous lady and I am glad that your church is helping you. I understand what you mean about struggling with doing what is right. Seeing abuse for what it is, realizing it is only getting worse, and then making such huge changes after all those years is no simple task. Yet you have done so in your journey to freedom. We certainly will pray for you. That the Lord will give you wisdom. Remember, abusers never change. Your abuser’s past wickedness is the best predictor of his future behavior. For all the promises to change and for all the “I’m sorry’s” they never change. Its always just a setup for more abuse. Many blessings to you in Christ.

  2. I’m sending a prayer request after reading Wise as Serpents. My life has been upended by things I didn’t know how to name as evil. I’m putting the pieces back together with two small children. My request is simply that you pray for our safety and for God to help me get through this so I can give them a peaceful life and help them know Him and His love. Thanks so very much.

    1. Kathryns007- I am very glad the book helped you see it for what it is – evil. May the Lord bless you all and keep you safe and guide your decisions. You are very courageous.

  3. I’m in this situation as well. I have a baby girl that’s only 20 months old and abusive father is using the legal system to get revenge for me leaving. The deception and mind games continue. My prayer request is that Gods justice come quickly, the my child is protected and the judge sees the truth. My prayer request is also for my health as they want to biopsy part of my breast.

  4. I am 70 years old. I have witnessed family dysfunction spanning 3 generations – grandparents, parents and my siblings and cousins. Everything is about abusive culture especially towards women to include an uncle who was a pedifile, uncles who were verbally abusive to their wives and daughters.
    I divorced in 1988 from my verbally abusive husband of 13 years. Since my divorce, my mother and my ex-husband have ruined my reputation by speaking lies about me behind my back.
    I relocated to Virginia in 2007 where I finally rebuilt some self esteem. Living away from my family and community.
    I am now realizing that structured religion is about insisting that women are to be submissive and not submissive according to the bible but treated like a door mat – dismissed and ignored. Over the past 30 years i have focused on my Bible first and not interested in structured religion.
    I have followed Pastor Crippen over the past 5 years to better understand God’s direction according to the Bible.
    Thank you Pastor Crippen

    1. Carol – Thank you for your encouragement. It is a real boost to me to know people are being helped. Our church here in Tillamook has become, over the 30 years I have been here, very much unlike what you are calling “structured religion.” By that I don’t mean that we don’t meet in a church building on Sundays and hold a worship service and meet together for a class (currently reading through Pilgrim’s Progress). But what I do mean is that we have rejected associating with the typical denominational structures and other para church organizations. We have been there and done that. I am convinced that whenever a hierarchy, such as a denomination of churches, is formed, there is immediately a framework for RASNs to crave for and often obtain power and control and self glory. That is how Rome got started. And further, we consider many others who don’t live here locally to be part of our church. They fellowship together with us online and we talk to them regularly. I am going to publish a post on this blog in an hour or so which addresses the kind of wickedness you have suffered from RASN’s who set out to destroy you. While I have never experienced the pain of this in our home, I have been attacked in that way many times by evil people who parade as Christians. Their most savage attacks come when they know that they are exposed for what they really are.

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