The Lord Always Preserves His Remnant

…Christ is risen. He has paid it all. He is coming again. This life is not our real life – it is yet to come and even though we don’t…

Holy Talk and Smooth Words – What they tell us

…I asked “So, how did you come to move here?” His answer? “Well! How did YOU come to move here? By the Lord’s leading of course.” In other words, he…

How Local Churches Become Enslaved to Evil – Part 5

…titled “my experience with evil in the local church.” In this ongoing series of posts my purpose is to show how I have seen evil being allowed to come into…

What Does a Waterless Cloud Look Like?

…point of Scripture, elude them completely. They are tithers of the smallest speck of herbs, but the Lord’s compassion and love they are absolutely blind to. Watch out then for…

When the Church becomes the Enemy

…monstrosity that is no marriage or family at all, a marriage and family that MUST be preserved? This just boggles common reason and common sense. How is it possible that…

Man’s Depravity as Seen in the Tower of Babel

…and settled there. (3) And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. (4)…

The Abuser, Thrashing Tantrums, and the Devil

…lusted to be “number one” in the church (like Diotrephes, see 3 John). After we had come to see more clearly exactly what he really was, he tried to isolate…

Our Books

…at on the Temple. You can find that series by the same title, In My Father’s House, at Sermon Audio. We kept the size of the book brief because…