Mocking – A Devilish and Common Tactic of Evil

…mocks me. Heb 11:36 Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. One of the most common and wicked tactics in our enemy’s arsenal is something that perhaps…

The Faith of Devils

…knows them to be true. He even knows that Christ is coming again to judge all men and himself – Revelation 12:12, “Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell…

Getting “Gossip” Wrong Enables the Wicked

…with the help of someone who does not know Mr. Evans) and come back to the place in Christ, where love and compassion can still be shown to Mr. Evans….

What About Bob? – He’s a Really Nice Guy, Right?

Of course the title of this post is a reference to the movie in which Bill Murray played the agoraphobic, manipulative narcissist – Bob Wiley. The movie was a comedy….

This Matter of Faith

coming from One who cannot lie. And these lessons do not come easily, neither are they learned in easy times. Will we trust Him? There is the real question. Many…

A Fitting Prayer for our Nation

…the U.S.). We know that ultimately it speaks of that Day when Christ comes and His real Jerusalem (His church) will be perfectly purified. Notice how Isaiah describes so well…

The Blindness of Seeing Only What we Want to See

…obedience to the Lord. Jeremiah’s preaching exposed their sin and announced coming judgment. But they did not want judgment. They didn’t want to see it. So they didn’t. They embraced…