Part 88 – Gospel of John Study 16:16ff
The great change between the Old and New Testament eras. In this world we have sorrow, but Christ is coming again and sorrow will be turned to joy.
The great change between the Old and New Testament eras. In this world we have sorrow, but Christ is coming again and sorrow will be turned to joy.
The Spirit always glorifies Christ.
The Spirit is at work in the world pronouncing God's judgment upon them for rejecting Christ.
The present ministry of the Holy Spirit in showing the world its guilt.
It is a great privilege to have the gospel, and it is a great and dangerous sin to have it and refuse to believe Christ.
Christians will be hated by the world because the world hates Christ.
Christ chose us, we did not choose Him.
A serious consideratoin of joy.
It is vital to understand the OT background of this Christ as the Vine allegory. It must be kept in mind that It concerns the transition from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. Otherwise we will go wrong in our understanding of it. Also, we introduce the subject of JOY, more of which we will consider next time.
Christ is the Vine, we are the branches. How can we know if a branch is a true Christian or a fake?