How to Watch for the Rise of Evil in Your Church

The following verses from Paul's letter to the Galatians outline a flow of events that has continued to replay itself in every era of church history, and it continues to thrive today. This sequence inevitably introduces evil (through evil persons)...

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When Churches Exceed Their Authority, Evil Comes into the Church

This is a guest post kindly submitted at my request by James and Linda Sander. They are the authors of Rethinking Biblical Divorce: Let Scripture be Your Guide, which I highly recommend. Let me introduce their article with a few words: Without...

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These Are the People Who are Enabling Abusers in the Church

I have to post this right away because it is soooo false and so incredibly damaging to victims of evil ones (like domestic abusers hiding in the church) and so enabling to the wicked. It is a quote from a...

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