When a RASN starts using “We” or “Us” They Are Claiming False Allies

Then the high priest tore his robes, saying, “He has blasphemed! What further need do we have of witnesses? Behold, you have now heard the blasphemy; (Matthew 26:65)

Wicked people typically work to gather allies to their cause. In the case of RASNs (revilers, abusers, sociopaths, narcissists) that “cause” is to attack, abuse, and accuse their selected target victim. I have seen this played out too many times in the local church. It is not enough for a RASN to act alone, he or she inevitably works to win others to their evil deeds. But even if there are no “others” on the RASNs team, most typically these kind will make the claim that they do have allies. And you will see it in their use of plural pronouns. “We,” “Us,” and so on. WE think…WE accuse you…You have wronged US…. That is how the thing goes.

But in such attacks, the ring leader RASN may well actually have no such allies. Why then do they speak in these plural pronouns? Because they want to make their target believe that everyone is against them. WE (ie, the RASN and the victim’s children for example) don’t want you here anymore. WE think you are a bad mother. You did such and such to US. It’s a kind of mob gathered by the RASN but the truth is that most all of the mob, if they really even exist, are just going along with the RASN out of foolishness or gullibility or because the RASN has lied to them.

It is a very good thing then to be wise to this business and start asking some questions – “Really? Who are the ‘we’?” “You say, ‘us,’ – let me talk to these others you claim as your allies. Let’s see what they really think.” You have a right to question these alleged allies and often it will turn out that the WE is just “I.”


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