Remember Lot’s Wife (Pt 2 – The Reality of Hell)

Part 2 of J.C. Ryle's sermon on Lot's wife. Hell is a reality and is a truth we are reminded of as we remember Lot's wife.

Remember Lot’s Wife: A Woman to be Remembered

J.C. Ryle's sermon (article) from his book "Holiness." Remember Lot's Wife.

Rich Young Ruler – Decision Time

Christ brings us all to a point of decision in which we must either follow Him or go away from Him.

Idolatry and Demons – Hosea 5 (Pt9)

Idolatry is promoted and energized by demons. Those who worship false gods become enslaved to the devil.

Three Bad News Children – Hosea (Pt8)

We return now to our series in the book of Hosea. This message is a refresher and review of where we have been. The Lord tells Hosea to marry Gomer, an adulterous wife, and gives him three children whose names are bad news to Israel.

God Raised Him from the Dead

Peter demonstrated to the crowds in Jerusalem on Pentecost that Jesus was the Messiah and was risen from the dead.

Good Friday Service

We read through Matthew 26-27 and include hymns on the crucifixion.

Two Gates, Two Choices

We must be on guard against the many false gospels prevalent around us today. Measuring a teaching against Jesus' description of the Narrow Way vs the Broadway is an excellent means of doing so.

Created Male and Female

God created man male and female. We are confronted in this fallen world with all kinds of perversions of gender and sexuality.

The Christian and the State

The civil authorities are established by God for our good and for striking fear into the lawless. Sometimes the Christian must choose to disobey the ruler in order to obey God.