The Wisdom of God and the Foolishness of Man

First Corinthians is a vital book of the New Testament for the church today, as it has been in all ages. The church at Corinth was a church plagued by the disease of pride, and that malady had led to all kinds of troubles - even in some cases to a denial of the gospel. The same sins seen in Corinth are plaguing the church today.

Test the Spirits – Is it God’s Word or a Lie from the Enemy?

What does John mean when he instructs us to "test the spirits"? Why is it so important that we do so? How do we apply this test?

The Dissolution of Borders and the One World Order

The increasing movement to dissolve the borders of nations in just one of many indications that Satan is actively at work, as he always has been, to establish a worldwide kingdom in opposition to the kingdom of God.

The Apostles’ Creed – The Communion of Saints (Part 10)

We must understand and believe that though we are still here in this world, we are part of the church universal, and that we are in actual communion with all the saints in this world and in heaven.

Let Any Man Come – by J.C. Ryle

Looking Unto Jesus by J.C. Ryle

The Birth of Christ: Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Unto Us a Child is Born

saiah gives incredible names to the Messiah. We examine each and consider what they mean.

The Apostle’s Creed Part 9

What do we mean when we confess that we believe in the holy church and the communion of the saints? Is our concept of Christ's church a true one, or have we been duped by the enemy?

I Believe in the Holy Spirit – The Apostles’ Creed (Pt8)

We turn now to the confession of the Holy Spirit. While this is a brief line in the Creed, it is a vital truth which is in practice largely being denied in the churches today.