The Child and the Dragon

In Matthew chapter 2, the account of Herod attempting to kill Christ, we see the outworking of Revelation 12 in which the dragon (Satan) waited by the woman until she gave birth. When we consider Bethlehem and the manger, we should always remember that the dragon was lurking nearby.

God’s Power is Perfected in Weakness

We must firmly believe the repeated truth of Scripture that the Lord works His power in and through weakness. Christ was born as an infant, not as a powerful king.

The Barren Fig Tree (Part 2)

The Barren Fig Tree (Part 1)

John Bunyan wrote an extensive article on the parable of the barren fig tree. With his help, we are going to devote several sermons to this subject of the fruitless "Christian"

Give Thanks to the Love – Psalm 100

We must worship the Lord with joy, gladness, singing and most of all - with thanksgiving.

Children of Abraham and the Lost (Pt 9)

What did Jesus mean when He said that Zacchaeus was a son of Abraham? And what did He mean when He said that He came to seek and save that which was lost? Who is lost? Who was He seeking?

The Free Gift that Costs Everything (Pt 8)

Christ comes to Jericho and salvation comes to Zacchaeus!

The Free Gift that Costs Everything (Pt 7)

The rich young ruler chooses to keep his penny while rejecting the billions in real treasure in heaven. He kept his idol. What might be an idol you need to jettison?

The Free Gift that Costs Everything (Pt 6)

Jesus deals with the Rich Young Ruler. Here, we consider this man's superficial inquiry about salvation and his flawed ideas about his own "goodness" and the requirements of God's Law.

Free Gift that Costs All (Pt 5)

The people of Nazareth, Jesus' hometown, were unwilling to pay the price of receiving Christ. The cost required was a confession that they were sinners just like everyone else and that this son of Joseph they thought they knew was in fact the Messiah.