A Foolish Message
The natural man cannot understand nor accept the things of the Spirit of God. The Word of the Cross is just foolishness to him.
The natural man cannot understand nor accept the things of the Spirit of God. The Word of the Cross is just foolishness to him.
The Lord leaves us no room for boasting. We are in Christ only because He has elected and saved us. It is by His doing alone that we have the gift of faith and repentance.
Many professing Christian churches are changing biblical terms in an attempt to make sinners not feel like "outsiders." Paul's sermon on Mars Hill shows us that we must never alter the gospel in some attempt to make it less scandalous to the sinner.
The gospel is called the Word of the Cross. It is God's wisdom and God's power for salvation. But the world regards it as foolishness. Many churches today are preaching a false gospel which has been dressed up to appeal to the world.
The Word of the Cross of Christ is foolishness to the natural man. The Corinthians were in danger of believing a false gospel which was altered in order to appear as wisdom to the natural man. Their sin of pride was at the root of it all.
We are seeing tyranny in our nation today. How is the Church to respond? What are we to do? Who are we to be?
Revelation 20 says that all human beings, including Christians, will be judged by their works on the Day when Christ returns. How can that be? Is Herman Hoeksema right when he teaches that every sin ever committed, including the sins of Christians, will be displayed in full ugly clarity for all to see?
We once again consider a chief theme of First Corinthians - pride and its terrible effects upon and within Christ's church.
The pride which was so rampant at Corinth is inconsistent with who Christ's people are and leads to all sorts of divisions and troubles in a church.