The Apostles’ Creed – Part 2

We consider further examples of the necessity of Creeds and Confessions and then examine the origin and nature of saving faith.

I Believe in God the Father- The Apostles’ Creed, Pt 1

We begin a series of messages on the Apostles' Creed which opens with a confession of faith in the true and living God.

Daniel in the Lions’ Den – Today

Satan's tactics never change. He will attack anyone who stands, as Daniel did, for Christ. But we have God's promise that He will sustain and deliver us.

His Word is My Delight – A Certain Sign of the New Birth

We can test whether we are born again or not by honestly examining if we truly love God's Word.

Illegitimate Children – Who Belongs to the True Church (and who does not)?

Just as Ishmael, the son of the flesh, persecuted Isaac, the son of Promise, so it is today. The Ishmaelites are in bondage and slavery. They belong to the "church" which is of the flesh, here below. But Christ's true church is the Jerusalem from above, being His creation.

What Does the Real Church Look Like?

The true church in this world does not look like the image most people have of it. A big cathedral, a large congregation, a popular preacher. Rather, the church in this world is not triumphant, it is despised, and its focus is Jesus Christ and Him crucified, not a big menu of programs to attract the worldling.

Angels – Holy and Unholy (Pt 2)

This morning we consider the dark side of angelic beings - the unholy angels. Who are they, where did they come from, how do demons relate to them, and most importantly how WE must be wise to their presence and tactics in local churches.

Angels: Holy & Unholy

Angels are a very frequent indirect subject in scripture. We say "indirect" because they are servants of the Lord sent out to serve His people. They are not to be worshipped nor exalted, as the Apostle to the Hebrews makes evident. Nevertheless, the subject of angels helping us serves to be a great encouragement to believers.

Not by Might, but by My Spirit

The Theology of the BIG is a Lie

We cannot be saved if we believe that our own power is required to contribute to our salvation. Salvation is of the Lord alone. We are born dead in sin, dead to God. The Lord must speak and command the dead man to come forth from the grave