Two Men Went to Church – Only One Went to Heaven

This is the parable of the Pharisee and the tax-collector, both of whom went to the temple to pray. Only one left there justified, the other remained dead in his sins.

The King is Ascended

Christ is ascended and crowned as the Father's King. The Church triumphant is with Him and He will return in glory one day to judge the kings of the earth and all His enemies.

Wisdom Not of this Age – (Pt2)

The wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God are opposites. The Corinthians had remained infantile spiritually and as a result were still thinking like the world. This mindset leads to hell.

Wisdom Not of this Age – Part 9 in 1 Corinthians

The wisdom of the world vs the wisdom of God is a theme that is found all through Scripture. It is a vital topic for us to understand and with which we can examine ourselves to see if we really are born again.

The Power of Darkness Conquered

A Foolish Message

The natural man cannot understand nor accept the things of the Spirit of God. The Word of the Cross is just foolishness to him.

One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism

The Lord leaves us no room for boasting. We are in Christ only because He has elected and saved us. It is by His doing alone that we have the gift of faith and repentance.

Preaching Christ Risen in Athens Today

Many professing Christian churches are changing biblical terms in an attempt to make sinners not feel like "outsiders." Paul's sermon on Mars Hill shows us that we must never alter the gospel in some attempt to make it less scandalous to the sinner.

We Preach Christ Crucified

The gospel is called the Word of the Cross. It is God's wisdom and God's power for salvation. But the world regards it as foolishness. Many churches today are preaching a false gospel which has been dressed up to appeal to the world.

The Word of the Cross is Foolishness to the World

The Word of the Cross of Christ is foolishness to the natural man. The Corinthians were in danger of believing a false gospel which was altered in order to appear as wisdom to the natural man. Their sin of pride was at the root of it all.